octubre 10, 2011


Oh my! this blog seems so dull!! in coparison -that is- with my other blog. Since I was forced by college to do this one I´ve learned a little bit more about this things.

My intention, for several weeks now, has been to bring back to life this blog. I´ve started working in April an it´s been quite an experience, I´ve been wanting to write all about it but for some reason or other -mostly by getting distracted on other things- I havent done it, but today I got my first e-mail with the information of this new on-line course that I´ve taken.

Such on-line course is named "How to Teach English Using Technology in the Classroom" it will be in English and it is given by Richmond Editorial, and well, it´s for free. Based on the last part, the being free part, I hope it wont be just advertisement but something that I can actually apply to my work.

So far, I´ve done some diagnostic test in wich I got 41/100 -way too low- but I wanted to be completely honest and being honest I hardly ever use technology, internet or ITC´s in my class for reason that I´ll discuss in some other post. Also, I already have an assignment -reading like 4-5 articles- and tomorrow there will be a discussion about it. It´s been almost a year since I didnt have assignments and Im in a way excited about starting this course but also a bit  distrusful  of it.

Now, this blog is not only back to life but it will also be my notebook for that course, my complaint paper for bad days in the classroom and just somewhere to write about my thoughts on teaching/learning/students/teachers and all related to my career.

promise to myself: To update the layout of this thing... it looks so boring!! --done, sort of...

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