noviembre 10, 2011

Im hating this!

It´s definetely not my thing to curse, but oh my! I´ve been cursing this stupid assignment as soon as I got it.... I love reading and writing and teaching and combining colors but geez! why to do it again when I already have it??!! I wanted to use this one, but I guess if that had been the case then where my rant would´ve gone? to my other blog? heck no, that one´s special lol -right-

Now, I think, for the first time I´ve gotten a glimpse of how everybody else feels, geez, Im becoming normal! what a tragedy lol I´ve never have had problems in doing homework and assignments no matter how boring or easy they were or the fact that I knew them or had done them but now, Im procrastinating the things I dont like, I wonder if it´s because of my hectic life or the fact that I have so many matters of consequence in my head nowadays, like.... idk "adult" stuff that I didnt have, there were consequences only for me before but now... well, somehow I gotta make it I guess but how awful it´d be to flunk this stupid course just b/c I didnt feel like doing it when I know it.

I also think Im giving a bad impression on that course, so weird, maybe I just dont like it like that, no, I kind of was like this in all the classes that I had expected to get so much but didnt... cant believe Im saying I like those horrible to-die-for classes where they squeeze your brain and you are always on the edge of frustration and motivation (to prove u can do it, either to others or urself)... seems like I´ve learned better in those courses, like my typing class, I was terrified of that teacher, or my accounting class or my didactics class ofc there have been times in which I´ve fallen in frustration like my driving class or my comunicaciones class...

Of a 100% hw that I´ve had in that course 90% of the times I´ve done the day before or hours before the due date... dont like that... I´ll try to change that...

noviembre 02, 2011

over-view of blogs in the classroom

The actual name is web-log. It is use to publish, often updated frequently, it´s some kind of a journal. To make it short, we call it blog which would be the "b" of web and the word "log" is added: Blog.

Advantages of using a blog as a teaching tool:
* Motivates students to participate
* Oportunities for read and write
* Mentoring
* Collaborative learning
* Many uses: informative, tutoring, assignments

Need-to-know when blogging
* As in everything, ethics is very important when blogging (quoting, not violating copy-rights, ways of expressing ideas, difamation....)
* Privacy and security: It is important to keep youself and students safe as well as respecting the laws. A few things to take into account in this point are: not posting addresses, complete names, passwords,  not posting children pictures without permission, not to post anything that might attemp with your security since a blog contains information that might and will be seen by, virtually, the whole world; unless the blog is private or the kind that can be seen only by those who have an invitation to see the blog.

The opportunities to read and write are many while blogging and indeed it´s very motivating though not to every student, some of them just hate reading and writing and for that I think it´s important to make short posts or as clear and straight to the point as they can be -that´s kind of a hard task to me, though. But also there is the other problem of relying in techonology only, what happens to those students that do not have internet? many might say, well there are cyber-cafés, libraries and even there´s the school. Not always, some kids just do not have access to internet, it is a fact. I was once one of those kids: my family simply didnt let me go out to a internet-café, gladly after they decided to get internet in our house.

Blog-time! (again)

The first time that I heard the word "blog" was two years ago at college. The subject was Informatica Educativa. I had no idea what it was so that time it was hard but I had some help -of course from my teacher- from the internet and friends; since then I´ve improved a little in that topic, so much that I have a few of them, not all active though.

Now, it´s blog time again. In my on-line course this is the second module, the creation of a blog. I´ve just asked the teacher if I can keep using this one, I hope he dont think that Im slopy -´cause Im not- but somehow I think it´s no good to keep creating blogs and blogs, filling the internet.

This part of the course has videos to help creating a blog. Well, Im going to read the hand-outs and see what new things I learn or what things I´ll refresh.